Inclusive30 2023
The Inclusive30 represents thirty leaders who are furthering Dutch society, on the path to a diverse and inclusive future
Black Achievement Award 2021
Category Science and Education. For academic contributions to inclusive artificial intelligence and for social engagement with diaspora communities.
Computable 2021 Nomination
Category CxO. For establishing and directing a scientific lab aimed at addressing social injustice, inequality and exclusion vwith help of technolog
UNESCO Global Top 100
For AI projects advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, in particular reducing inequality
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Science Communication Award 2021
For informing, engaging and involving the general public in fair and inclusive algorithmization of society
Top 200 most influential person in the Netherlands 2020
For academic contributions to inclusive artificial intelligence and for social engagement with diaspora communities.
University of Amsterdam Person of the Year 2019, Runner up
For academic contributions to inclusive artificial intelligence and for interdisciplinary and socially engaged education
United Nations Academic Impact Initiative 2018
For changing the negative narratives surrounding refugees and migrants through the Right2Education foundation, established together with students

Sennay Ghebreab received the Black Achievement Award 2021 in the Category Science and Education. The award was given Gala in the DeLaMar Theater in Amsterdam on Monday 1st November by Jennifer DeWitt Walsh, the Consul General of the United States Embassy.
Awards in the other categories: Art and Culture: Emmanuel Adjei People and Society: Chantelle Rodgers Entrepreneurship: Manuela Goncalves Tavares Sports: Siffan Hassan Science: Sennay Ghebreab Oeuvre/lifetime achievement Award: Gerda Havertong