The Bias Project
I believe that teaching theory should go hand-in-hand with testing theory in the real world. With this in mind, I founded the Brain and Technology Amsterdam lab (Beta-lab) in 2009 with financial support from Platform Beta Techniek, Ministry of Economic Affairs.
The lab gave students access to state-of-the-art equipment (EEG, Eye tracking, Biofeedback) to test or create hypothesis about cognitive information processing. Since its inception over 10 courses from a variety of faculties, and over 1000 students from various backgrounds have made use of the Beta-lab. The Amsterdam University College nominated it for the Science Magazine Price in 2011.
Below are example videos of The Bias Project done in the Beta-lab by first year bachelor students Information Communication and Cognition in the period 2009-2016. Race, age, sex and many other implicit biases were addressed through Implicit Association Test, EEG recordings, Heart Beat recordings, Eye tracking, Pattern recognition and Machine Learning.

A student of the course Information, Communication and Cognition (ICC) exlporing brain patterns of implicit bias in the Beta-lab in 2010