National collaborations (currents and past)
Prof. dr. H. Ghorashi, Free University of Amsterdam
Collaborative research on migration and civic integration of migrants and refugees in the Netherlands.
Prof. dr. E. Tan, University of AmsterdamCollaborative research on brain, emotion, movies and games, resulting in collaborative research grants, summer school organizations, and co-supervision students.
Prof. dr. V.A.F. Lamme, University of Amsterdam
Collaborative research on low-level computer and human vision, resulting in scientific publications, research grants, and co‑supervision of Ph.D. students.
Dr. S. Bohte, Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica (CWI)
Exchange of code and data in the context of developing biologically plausible artificial neural networks for computing low-level natural image statistics.
Prof. W. Niessen. Erasmus MC Rotterdam
Collaboration on functional representation and stochastic analysis of 2D and 3D medical image segmentations.
Prof. Dr. Ir. M. Viergever, Utrecht University
Collaboration on non-linear registration of anatomical structures and medical images, resulting in exchange of code and software packages.
Prof. dr. ir. F.A. Gerritsen, Philips Medical Systems
Joint effort to develop intelligent interactive segmentation methods for 2D and 3D medical images. Tools have been incorporated in Philip’s EasyVision system.
International collaborations (currents and past)
Prof. U. Hasson, Princeton University
Cooperation on the analysis of neural, emotional, and computational responses to movies. This has resulted in the exchange movies and a range of neurphysiologcal responses to these movies (EEG, iEEG, fMRI).
Prof. dr. J. Gallant, Berkeley University
Cooperation on reconstruction of natural images based on fMRI data. This has resulted in the exchange of code for large-scale fMRI data analysis and for natural image statistics computation.
Prof. dr. C.C. Jaffe, National Institutes of Health
Joint research on medical image retrieval approaches, resulting in scientific publications, exchange of code and data.
Dr. R. Long, National Library of Medicine
Combined development of methodologies for interactive browsing of large medical image data sets. We have combined these into a tool for browsing the NHANES database containing over 17000 X-‐‑rays.
Dr. Bharat Rao, Siemens Medical Systems.
Joint effort to develop concept-based medical image retrieval methods. This resulted in a research grant.
Prof. dr. J. Duncan, Yale University
Combined development of deformable model methods for medical image segmentation, resulting in two long-‐‑term visits