Strings and Necklaces: On Learning and Browsing Medical Image Segmentations. Phd thesis. Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 2002. ISBN: 90-9015953-3.
Chapters (recent)
Kunstmatige intelligentie kan de zorg verbeteren, maar barst van vooroordelen. Data Dilemma's in de zorg. 2019
Onderwijs in Eritrea. Eritrea en Eritrese Vluchtelingen. 2018
Generaties Eritrese vluchtelingen in Nederland. 2018
M Tasnim, Y Weesie, S Ghebreab, M Baak (20224). Strategic manipulation of preferences in the rank minimization mechanism. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 38 (2), 44
V Skoric, G Sileno, S Ghebreab. Roles of Standardised Criteria in Assessing Societal Impact of AI (2024). IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CAI), 1240-1245
M Dankloff, V Skoric, G Sileno, S Ghebreab, J Ossenbruggen (2024). Analysing and organising human communications for AI fairness assessment: Use cases from the Dutch Public Sector. AI & SOCIETY, 1-21 1.
T Alpherts, S Ghebreab, YC Hsu, N Van Noord (2024).Perceptive Visual Urban Analytics is Not (Yet) Suitable for Municipalitie The 2024 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, 1341-1354
D Michailidis, M Tasnim, S Ghebreab, FP Santos (2024).Tackling school segregation with transportation network interventions: an agent-based modelling approach Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 38 (1), 22 1
L Samson, N Barazani, S Ghebreab, YM Asano. Privacy-Aware Visual Language Models (2024). preprint arXiv:2405.17423 1 2024
D Michailidis, S Ghebreab, FP Santos (2024). Balancing Fairness and Efficiency in Transport Network Design through Reinforcement Learning. Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and …
Skoric, V., Sileno, G., & Ghebreab, S. (2023). Leveraging public procurement for LLMs in the public sector: Enhancing access to justice responsibly. JURIX Workshop on AI and Access to Justice.
Skoric, V., Sileno, G., & Ghebreab, S. (2023). Human rights in AI impact assessment: insights from pilot implementations, normative frameworks, and a proposal. International Public Policy Association
D Michailidis, S Ghebreab, FP Santos (2023). Balancing Fairness and Efficiency in Transport Network Design through Reinforcement Learning. Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and …
D Michailidis, M Tasnim, S Ghebreab, FP Santos (2023). Towards Reducing School Segregation by Intervening on Transportation Networks. Citizen-Centric Multiagent Systems 2023 (CMAS’23)
D Michailidis, W Röpke, S Ghebreab, DM Roijers, FP Santos (2023). Fairness in Transport Network Design-A Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning Approach. Adaptive and Learning Agents Workshop at AAMAS 2023
Skoric, V., Sileno, G., & Ghebreab, S. (2022). Legality, Legitimacy, and Instrumental Possibility in Human and Computational Governance for the Public Sector. In P. Feletig, A. Loreggia, & S. Quintarelli (Eds.), Proceedings of the Second International Forum on Digital and Democracy.
Civic integration as a key pillar in societal resilience for newcomers. S. Ghebreab, N.Scholten, T. de Waal, Tamar, 2019.
Scene complexity modulates degree of feedback activity during object recognition in natural scenes. PLoS computational biology 14 (12), 2019.
Characterization of temporal dynamics of visual object recognition by convolutional neural networks: role of network depth. K. Ramakrishnan, I.A.A. Groen, A.W.M.Smeulders, H.S Scholte HS, S. Ghebreab. bioArxiv, 2018.
Auto-Calibrated Gaze Estimation Using Human Gaze Patterns. F. Alnajar, T. Gevers, R. Valentini, S. Ghebreab. International Journal of Computer Vision, 2017
Machine learning and dyslexia: Classification of individual structural neuro-imaging scans of students with and without dyslexia. P. Tamboer, H.C.M. Vorst, S. Ghebreab, H.S. Scholte. Neuroimage Clinical, 1-15, 2016.
Neural Spatial Consistency of HIerarchical Vision Models. K Ramakrishnan, S Scholte, A Smeulders, S Ghebreab. NIPS 2015 workshop on Machine Learning in Neuroimaging (MLINI), 1-8, 2015.
The time course of natural scene perception with reduced attention I. Groen, S. Ghebreab, V. Lamme, S. Scholte. In submission. Journal of Neurophysiology, 2015.
An exponential filter model predicts lightness illusions. A. Zeman, K. Brooks, S. Ghebreab. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9 (368), 1-15, 2015.
Improving computational models of early visual cortex using single image ERP data. HS Scholte, S Ghebreab. Journal of Vision 14 (10), 886-886, 2014.
Neural computation of scene gist with and without attention. I Groen, S Ghebreab, V Lamme, S Scholte. Journal of Vision 14 (10), 884-884, 2014.
Visual dictionaries in the Brain: Comparing HMAX and BOW. K Ramakrishnan, IIA Groen, HS Scholte, AWM Smeulders, S Ghebreab. Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2014 IEEE International Conference on, 1-6, 2014.
Visual dictionaries as intermediate features in the human brain. K Ramakrishnan, HS Scholte, IIA Groen, AW Smeulders, S Ghebreab. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 8, 168, 2014.
From Image Statistics to Scene Gist: Evoked Neural Activity Reveals Transition from Low-Level Natural Image Structure to Scene Category. IIA Groen, S Ghebreab, H Prins, VAF Lamme, HS Scholte. The Journal of Neuroscience 33 (48), 18814-18824, 1, 2013.
Two stages in scene gist processing revealed by evaluating summary statistics with single-image ERPs. I Groen, S Ghebreab, V Lamme, HS Scholte. Journal of Vision 13 (9), 1059-1059, 2013.
The posterior part of the lateral occipital complex analyzes the spatial correlation structure of natural visual scenes.HS Scholte, I Sligte, I Groen, V Lamme, S Ghebreab. Journal of Vision 13 (9), 1098-1098, 1, 2013.
Visual word representations in the brain. K Ramakrishnan, I Groen, S Scholte, A Smeulders, S Ghebreab. NIPS 2013 workshop on Machine Learning in Neuroimaging (MLINI), 1-8, 2013.
Calibration-Free Gaze Estimation Using Human Gaze Patterns. F Alnajar, T Gevers, R Valenti, S Ghebreab. The IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 137-144, 3, 2013.
Two stages in the time-course of natural scene gist perception. I Groen, S Ghebreab, V Lamme, H Scholte, PERCEPTION 42, 161-161, 2013.
Spatially pooled contrast responses predict neural and perceptual similarity of naturalistic image categories. IIA Groen, S Ghebreab, VAF Lamme, HS Scholte. PLoS computational biology 8 (10), 10, 2012.
Low-level contrast statistics are diagnostic of invariance of natural textures. IIA Groen, S Ghebreab, VAF Lamme, HS Scholte. Frontiers in computational neuroscience 6, 9, 2012.
Identifying distributed and overlapping clusters of hemodynamic synchrony in fMRI data sets. S Ghebreab, AWM Smeulders. Pattern Analysis and Applications 14 (2), 175-192, 2011.
Summary statistics of model neural responses at different stages of the visual hierarchy. HS Scholte, S Ghebreab. PERCEPTION 40, 208-208, 2011.
Summary statistics of edge information predict categorization of naturalistic images. II Groen, S Ghebreab, VA Lamme, HS Scholte. PERCEPTION 40, 18-18, 2011.
V1 responses suffice for rapid natural scene categorization. S Ghebreab, HS Scholte. PERCEPTION 40, 97-97, 2011.
Rapid Natural Image Identification Based on EEG data and Global Scene Statistics. S Ghebreab, S Scholte, V Lamme, A Smeulders, Journal of Vision 10 (7), 1394-1394, 2010.
Lateral Occipital cortex responsive to correlation structure of natural images. HS Scholte, S Ghebreab, A Smeulders, V Lamme. Journal of Vision 10 (7), 1363-1363, 1, 2010.
The role of Weibull image statistics in rapid object detection in natural scenes. I Groen, S Ghebreab, V Lamme, S Scholte. Journal of Vision 10 (7), 992-992, 1, 2010.
Identification of Source-Specific Neural Synchrony in FMRI Data. S Ghebreab, AWM Smeulders. Pattern Analysis and Applications 14 (1), 2010.
Lateral Occipital cortex responsive to local correlation structure of natural images. H Scholte, S Ghebreab, A Smeulders, V Lamme. Front. Neurosci. Conference Abstract: Computational and Systems Neuroscience, 2010.
Identifying distributed and overlapping clusters of hemodynamic synchrony in fMRI data sets. S Ghebreab, AWM Smeulders. Pattern Analysis and Applications 14, 349-356, 2, 2010.
Cognitive vision of objects. AWM Smeulders, S Ghebreab. COGNITIVE PROCESSING 10, S133-S133, 2009.
Brain responses strongly correlate with Weibull image statistics when processing natural images. HS Scholte, S Ghebreab, L Waldorp, AWM Smeulders, VAF Lamme, Journal of vision 9 (4), 29-3,7 2009.
The Weibull Statistics and the Efficiency of Natural Image Categorization. R Auksztulewicz, S Ghebreab, HS Scholte, VAF Lamme, AWM Smeulders. European Society of Cognitive Psychology, 2009.
The Early Visual System Selectively Pools from Scale-Tuned Neurons to Identify Distinctive Edges at All Natural Scales. S Ghebreab, HS Scholte, VAF Lamme, AWM Smeulders, 2009.
A biologically plausible model for rapid natural scene identification. S Ghebreab, S Scholte, V Lamme, A Smeulders. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 629-637, 11, 2009.
The parvo and magno-cellular systems encode natural image statistics parameters. HS Scholte, S Ghebreab, A Smeulders, V Lamme. Journal of Vision 8 (6), 686-686, 3, 2008.
Predicting brain states from fMRI data: Incremental functional principal component regression. S Ghebreab, A Smeulders, P Adriaans. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 537-544, 2, 2008.
Applications of Al-Based Image Processing Techninques-Predictive Modeling of fMRI Brain States Using Functional Canonical Correlation Analysis. S Ghebreab, AWM Smeulders, P Adriaans. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4594, 393-400, 2007.
Predictive modeling of fmri brain states using functional canonical correlation analysis. S Ghebreab, AWM Smeulders, P Adriaans. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 393-397, 8, 2007.
Combining strings and necklaces for interactive three-dimensional segmentation of spinal images using an integral deformable spine model. S Ghebreab, AWM Smeulders. Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on 51 (10), 1821-1829, 37, 2004.
Incremental Clusterwise Regression Analysis of Functional Brain Stimulation-Activation Data. S Ghebreab, PW Adriaans, AWM Smeulders. Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2006.
Population-based incremental interactive concept learning for image retrieval by stochastic string segmentations. S Ghebreab, CC Jaffe, AWM Smeulders. Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on 23 (6), 676-689, 14, 2004.
An approximately complete string representation of local object boundary features for concept-based biomedical image retrieval. S Ghebreab, AWM Smeulders, Biomedical Imaging: Nano to Macro, 2004. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, 2004.
Strings: variational deformable models of multivariate continuous boundary features. S Ghebreab, AWM Smeulders. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on 25, 2003.
Concept-based retrieval of biomedical images. S Ghebreab, C Jaffe, AWM Smeulders. Medical Imaging 2003, 97-108, 7, 2003.
Necklaces: Inhomogeneous and point-enhanced deformable models. S Ghebreab, AWM Smeulders, PR PflugerComputer Vision and Image Understanding 86 (2), 96-117, 3, 2002.
Strings and necklaces: on learning and browsing medical image segementations. S Ghebreab, PhD thesis, 2002.
Color Invariant Snakes. T Gevers, S Ghebreab, AWM Smeulders. BMVC, 1-11, 41, 1998.
SCHEMed: a visual database tool for definition and entry of medical image data. S Ghebreab, M Worring, HD Tagare, CC Jaffe. Proceedings of Visual Information Systems, 189-196, 1, 1997.