Public speaking
A list of recent public presentations and debates (2019 only):
Betweter Festival, "Realitistisch zijn over AI", October 2019
Film Fraude Festival, "Biased Intelligence", October 2019
Vice Media Benelux, "Artificial Intelligence and unfair bias", October 2019
De Rode Hoed, “Het discriminerende algoritme”, September 2019
Oerol Festival, “Voorbij het doemdenken over AI”, June 2019
WeMakeTheCity Festival, “Digital Superdiversity and Inclusion”, June 2019
WeMakeTheCity Festival, “AI and Digital Rights”, June 2019
Bevrijdings Festival, “Een open blik met behulp van algoritmen”, May 2019
Pakhuis de Zwijger, “Voor(oord)delen van AI ”, April 2019
Pakhuis de Zwijger, “Ras in de wetenschap”, April 2019
Brainwash Festival, "De strijd tegen racistische machines", November 2018
Waanzin Festival, “Lets have FAITH (Fair AI Technology for Humanity)”, 2018